Applied Geophysics - a scientific approach including a series of non-destructive survey methods, based on the precise registration of the physical manifestations of the sub-surface environment. Changing conditions in the sub-surface environment cause deformations of the related part of the registered physical field. The variability of the environment, structural failures, infiltration and increased concentration of natural and anthropogenic factors are the elements affecting the physical manifestation of the prevailing environment.

Gravimetry Magnetic

The growing consumption of mineral resources, requirement of fossil fuels and surface infrastructure development in the mid-20th century increases the demands laid on geological exploration. The versatility and efficiency of the geophysical methods provide the required potential and the development of the registration equipment and workflows is actively supported. In the following decades Applied Geophysics is introduced into the exploration experience in all phases and sectors of exploration activities. Increasing the performance and availability of personal computers will allow carrying out more difficult and complex tasks of numerical modelling across all scientific areas. Applied Geophysics focuses on developing new as well as increasing the efficiency of existing procedural methods. Progress in the process procedures allows solving more detailed tasks required by other economic sectors such as environmental and natural resources protection, maintenance and monitoring of existing anthropogenic structures or effective environmental regeneration. Geophysical methods include a number of application areas and depending on the purpose they provide general or detailed information.

The main role of Earth geophysics is analysis of registered manifestations of the earthly body as a unity. Data is collected by orbiting satellites and terrestrial registration stations. The global nature of the data allows exploring the structure and composition of the planet, sub-regional data provides understanding of the deep processes and relative changes in individual regions of the planet.

Exploration geophysics deals with research tasks related to the specific geological regions, their constructions and spatial behaviour. The achieved depths range between the first tens of metres and several kilometres. The measurements are carried out in wide-planar ground exploration or by the use of air and sea resources.

Near surface geophysics focuses on addressing local issues on geological, geotechnical and environmental research and exploration. The achieved depths range from the first tens of centimetres up to the first hundreds of metres. Data collection is carried out by ground registration apparatus. The methodology of data collection and the processing procedure is selected according to the type of issues. Greater stability and differentiability of the modelled geophysical system is achieved by the combination of methods aimed at different physical properties of interesting components of the environment. The combination of seismic and geo-electric methods seems to be optimal; the mechanical properties in case of seismic methods and electrical properties in the case of geo-electric methods. Due to the variability of the sub-surface environment and the specific circumstances, each issue addressed is unique, therefore it requires a detailed description of the issue and the exact formulation of the objective.

With the precisely specified requirements and appropriately selected procedure, the geophysical view is able to provide significant cost savings, either by reducing the costs of invasive methods of the survey or by preventing future events whose redevelopment requires a substantial increase in funding.